First Impressions Team Prayer Requests

First Impressions Team Mission: To create an atmosphere where people can connect with God and others

Prayer Requests from 11/13

  • New

    • Carmen Erickson

      • Carmen’s hometown and the surrounding area was hit with a lot of snow and ice over the past couple of weeks.

    • Tyler Van Voorst

      • Tyler’s sister-in-law, Carlee, has had some stomach issues in the past week or so. She’s doing better but is still working back up to health.

    • Kim Even

      • Kim’s friend, Camille’s mom, was recently diagnosed with cancer.

    • Kathy Andersen

      • Kathy’s sister has had some stomach issues and had an ultrasound to determine the cause of the pain. There is no tumor but there are some issues with her liver. She is waiting to find out the next steps.

  • Ongoing

    • Jeff & Carmen Erickson, Ryan & Laura Thomas

      • Jack, son of Ryan and Laura and grandson of Jeff and Carmen, is home after being in the hospital with RSV. He’s doing better. Praise God for hospital staff and those who helped Jack heal.

    • Dawn Dorman

      • Dawn, someone that attended Good News in the past, recently lost her son, Dylan.

    • Nita Schafer

      • Nita’s husband, Steve, recently had hip surgery.

    • Peg Webster

      • Peg’s granddaughter, Cayden’s sister, Ella, is starting radioactive iodine treatments soon to hopefully fight off anything they didn’t get during her recent surgery. Continue to pray for healing and protection for Ella.

      • Roxanna is now at home but has been having many ups and downs recently. Continue to pray for her!

    • Carmen Erickson

      • Carmen’s friend’s husband had a heart valve replacement on Monday.

      • Jeff and Carmen’s neighbor, Nancy, is currently going through chemo and radiation treatments for cancer.

    • Peggy Almond

      • Peggy has several neighbors who are going through health struggles and need healing. Pray for them and for Peggy and others in the neighborhood to surround them with love and support.

    • Angela Kjonegaard

      • Angela’s aunt passed away from a long battle with COVID last week. Danny Hammer

      • Danny’s daughter, Jennifer, is hoping to have her 2nd kidney transplant. Pray for the preparation, operation, and recovery.

    • Judy Decker

      • Judy’s brother, Dean, was recently diagnosed with cancer. Pray for him and his family as they begin the process of fighting the cancer.

    • Peter Jenkins

      • Peter’s aunt was recently diagnosed with cancer. Her family and her have been wrestling with the news. Prayers for Peter’s aunt and her family.

    • Caren Brown

      • Pray for Caren’s husband, Bob, for his salvation and his health as he recently fell and broke a hip. Bob is at home and Caren is in in charge of taking care of him 24/7. Pray for healing and for patience and strength for Caren.

    • Kathy Andersen

      • Kathy’s husband has struggled with his health recently and has fallen on a couple occasions. Pray for his health and that he would seek the help he needs!

    • Aimee Fisher

      • Prayers for her friends Keith and Jody and their family. Keith and Jody have two sons, Josh and Greg, who require extra help. There have been a few good things that have happened lately! They are all healthy and their caretaker is willing to stay on for awhile until they can find someone new. Praise God!

    • Susan Oldacres

      • Susan’s friend, Jeff, has been struggling mightily again with kidney problems. Pray that he would find the right help and that he would have comfort. UPDATE: Jeff has been doing well the last few months. He’s not doing much better, but not doing worse either.

      • Susan’s brother-in-law Roger has cancer of the larynx. He is doing chemo. UPDATE: Roger finally got the feeding tube out a couple of weeks ago. He still has the tracheotomy for speaking but is breathing on his own. Improved but not done yet.

    • Please pray that we as a team and as a church would be able to meet people where they are and that Jesus would be known by those we encounter. We have a cultural mandate to care for those around us. May we treat everyone we encounter with the grace that Christ gives to us.
