We are excited to share our plans for a new playground featuring a play structure with pour-in-place rubber surfacing under the new play structure, swings with wood chips, a sandbox, and more!
We have chosen to go with high-quality park and school-grade quipment to ensure a safe and lasting play area for many years to come!
How can YOU help?
The estimated cost of the project is $100,000! The Children’s Center has $50,000 set aside for this project already so our goal is to raise the additional $50,000. The church has committed to a dollar-for-dollar match up to $15,000, AND an anonymous donor is also matching dollar-for-dollar up to $15,000! If we can raise $20,000, with the matching funds, we will raise our $50,000!!!
Ways to Donate:
CLICK HERE to give online. Select “Other” in the “Give to” menu, and include “Playground” in the memo line.
Write a check to “Good News Church” and include “Playground” in the memo line. Checks can be dropped off in the Church or Children’s Center office or mailed to: Good News Church, 1800 S. Valley View Rd., Sioux Falls, SD 57106.
Collect loose change around the house and drop it off in the Church or Children’s Center office.
Estimated Costs of Project:
Equipment: $50,000
Pour-In-Place under new playset: $30,000
Shipping & Install: $20,000
Site Work: Undetermined